MALSY's APOLLO page - a dedication.


A big thanks to NASA for the images used here. Check out the history of human space flight.


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The crew of Apollo 1 (RIP)


Apollo 1 - the Fire Find out more.



Apollo 7 links and images


The crew of Apollo 8 BORMAN, LOVELL, ANDERS.

Apollo 8 information

View of lunar surface taken by Apollo 8's crew.


The crew of Apollo 9 SCHWEIKERT, McDIVITT, SCOTT.

Apollo 9 links and info.

The grand canyon as seen from Apollo 9.


The crew of Apollo 10 STAFFORD, YOUNG, CERNAN.

Apollo 10 links

EARTHRISE ! as seen from Apollo 10 - the forerunner to the first Lunar landing.


The crew of Apollo 11 - the first Lunar landing - July'69 ARMSTRONG, COLLINS, ALDRIN.

Apollo 11's lunar landing

Aldrin ascends to the surface

Apollo 11's mission description - worth a hit.

9 planets moon page

The lunar farside as taken from Apollo 11.

A lunar crater which forced Neil Armstrong to abandon the LM's computer readout as to where he should land, and to fly the LM manually to a clearer area.


The crew of Apollo 12 CONRAD, GORDON, BEAN.

Apollo 12 details

Alan Bean steps from the Lunar module onto the surface during Apollo 12.


The crew of Apollo 13 - mission abandoned. LOVELL, MATTINGLY, HAISE.

Visit the Jim Lovell homepage

SWEIGERT (RIP) - replacement rookie for Mattingly.

Apollo 13 details

A view of the damaged Apollo 13 craft when an oxygen tank explosion caused the adandonment of the mission.

Earth as seen from Apollo 13. _____________________________________

The crew of Apollo 14 ROOSA, SHEPHERD, MITCHELL.

The 14th Apollo flight

Apollo 14's Lunar Module on the surface.

A view seconds after the lunar module leaves the moon


The crew of Apollo 15 SCOTT, IRWIN, WORDEN.

Apollo 15'slunar landing details

Apollo 15's lunar landing base


The crew of Apollo 16 MATTINGLY, YOUNG, DUKE.

Apollo 16 details

Charlie Duke collecting lunar soil during the A16 mission.


The crew of Apollo 17 - the last to visit the moon. CERNAN, EVANS, SCHMITT.

The last lunar lander were Apollo 17's astronauts, who used the lunar rover to drive on the moon !

Harrison Schmitt about to rejoin Gene Cernan in the LM and ascend from the moon stands in front of the rover for the last time. ______________________________________

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NASA's excellent Astronomy Picture of the Day - an excellent archive of the universe and everything in it. Also worth a click is the European Space Agency Homepage based on my home continent ! You can visit my new Mars Pathfinder page here.