IMAGE 1 *********** Image one shows the moon as photographed by the Hubble space telescopes wide lens camera. A few points to notice are that the moon always keeps the same side of itself towards us (thats why we never see the lunar farside). The dark area on the left is the Sea of Tranquility - the landing site for Apollo 11, the first men on the moon. It appears darker because it is approx. 75 meters below the normal surface of the moon indicating that maybe there was a liqud ocean there millions of years ago !! The moon is alos bigger than 5 of Saturns moons (not sattelites) and is also bigger than both Pluto and its moon Charon. The only few moons bigger than it are Titan (Saturn) and Triton (Neptune) to name just 2 - that is why Earth and moon are sometimes referred to as a double planet system called the Terran System ! So now you know!!
Image 2 ******************** The excellent image 2 is of Saturn the ringed planet and 4 of its larger moons. I have this poster on my wall and I can't bloody remember the names of the moons. I'll get them on here asap Cool pic don't you think - Saturn has over 18 known moons spread around its ring system. There is currently a NASA mission underway to visit the Saturnian system (called after Cassini) and its due to arrive in 1999 sometime !
Image 3 ***************** Image 3 is of the closest planet to the sun - Mercury. It is red and battered in appearance precisely for that reason. An observer on the surface of Mercury (beside getting instantly evaporated at noon or frozen solid on the spot at midnight) would witness the sun rize and set 4 times each a day, such is its proximity.
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